From the foggy Agra, we went straight to the colorful Camelmarket in Puschka and started our Journey in Rajasthan, where Tanja and I spent the last two weeks.
And even though the happening is called a Camelmarket, it was more a very busy fair for the people from the villages around and the Camels were present but just played the second role.
During the fair the streets were so crowded that we had great problems getting from one end of the town to the other ... but as soon the fair was over, everything changed, and all of a sudden Puschka became the quiet place at the lake it uses to be 358 days a year.
Having Kolkata and Dehli in mind Rajasthan wasn't that busy at all so that it gave us enough time to discover the history of the many different Rajput-Clans and Maharajas. We visited a lot of Forts and Palaces with a great islamic architectonic influence connected with local materials letting us dream the fairytail of 1000 and one night: a few examples ...
The city palace of Jaipur which is still the residence of the maharaja.
The fort of Amber which has been the residence of the Maharaja of Jaipur until they founded Jaipur City in the early 18th century ... and we both couldn't understand why to leave such a beautiful fort and palace
The fort and palace of Jaisalmer that was not that impressive as the havelis (buildings of rich persons in the society) in the town.
And last but not least the fort in Jodhpur - similar situated as the fort in Jaisalmer (on top of the hill) but the palace with its detailed work just beated the pants of the one in Jaisalmer.

But we also took some time to see the rural Rajasthan and how the people live far away from the cities and palaces.

But we also took some time to see the rural Rajasthan and how the people live far away from the cities and palaces.
We got a chance to see that during a three-day Camelsafari in the Thar-Desert near Bikaner. For the Safari we met again with Markus and Esther and the three days were just a blast!!
And when four strangers on Camels walk through the desert, it looks like this ... (normaly everybody was sitting on something that moves - either the Camel or the Camelcar)
And since it's been such a good experience, we threw our torn butts again on a Camelback to see sunset in some lonely dunes close by Jaisalmer.
And of course ... India is always different and Rajasthan wouldn't be India if there wouldn't be any kind of a strange place: The rat-temple in Deshnok.

We ended our Trip through the wild Rajasthan in Udaipur where we spent our time with Steve from the US and Milenko from Peru. Udaipur has many quiet places and stands in the shadow of a great James Bond movie: Three palaces (one of them the water palace) were the setting for Octopussy.
1 Kommentar:
Hei Boris!
Man hört ja schlimme Neuigkeiten aus Indien! Da mach ich mir doch gleich Sorgen um euch...
Hoff euch gehts gut! Du hast bestimmt eine Wahnsinnszeit gerade! Die Bilder sprechen für sich...
Genießt die letzten Tage!
Mit Flo und Stefan hab ich den 22.Dezember (Montag) für ein Käsefondue im Mata Hari geplant. Vielleicht bist ja auch dabei! Würd uns riesig freuen!
Laß es euch gut gehen! Bis bald! :-)
Viele Grüße und eine Umarmung.
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